

Multi-purpose Token functionality is part of the proposed XLS-33d extension to the XRP Ledger protocol. You can use these functions on test networks for now. Until there is an amendment in a stable release, the details documented on these pages are subject to change.

Use this transaction to update a mutable property for a Multi-purpose Token.


      "TransactionType": "MPTokenIssuanceSet",
      "Fee": 10,
      "MPTokenIssuanceID": "00070C4495F14B0E44F78A264E41713C64B5F89242540EE255534400000000000000",
      "Flags": 1

MPTokenIssuanceSet Fields

{% include '_snippets/' %}

Field JSON Type [Internal Type][] Description
TransactionType object UInt16 Indicates the new transaction type MPTokenIssuanceSet. The integer value is 28 (TODO).
MPTokenIssuanceID string UInt256 The MPTokenIssuance identifier.
MPTokenHolder string AccountID (Optional) XRPL Address of an individual token holder balance to lock/unlock. If omitted, this transaction applies to all any accounts holding MPTs.
Flag string UInt64 Specifies flags for this transaction. See MPTokenIssuanceSet Flags.

MPTokenIssuanceSet Flags

Transactions of the MPTokenIssuanceSet type support additional values in the Flags field, as follows:

Flag Name Hex Value Decimal Value Description
tfMPTLock 0x0001 1 If set, indicates that all MPT balances for this asset should be locked.
tfMPTUnlock 0x0002 2 If set, indicates that all MPT balances for this asset should be unlocked.