

Multi-purpose Token functionality is part of the proposed XLS-33d extension to the XRP Ledger protocol. You can use these functions on test networks for now. Until there is an amendment in a stable release, the details documented on these pages are subject to change.

For a given MPTokenIssuanceID and ledger sequence, mpt_holders returns all holders of that MPT and their balance. This method likely returns very large data sets, so you should expect to implement paging via the marker field.

Request Format


  "command": "mpt_holders",
  "mpt_id": "00070C4495F14B0E44F78A264E41713C64B5F89242540EE255534400000000000000",
  "ledger_index": "validated"


  "method": "mpt_holders",
  "params": [
      "mpt_id": "00070C4495F14B0E44F78A264E41713C64B5F89242540EE255534400000000000000",
      "ledger_index": "validated"

The request contains the following parameters:

Field Type Required? Description
mpt_issuance_id string Yes The MPTokenIssuance to query.
ledger_index string or number (positive integer) No The ledger index of the max ledger to use, ora shortcut string to choose a ledger automatically. You must specify either ledgerindex or ledgerhash.
ledger_hash string No A 20-byte hex string for the ma ledger version to use. You must specify either ledgerindex or ledgerhash.
marker string No Used to continue your query where it left off in paginating.
limit number (positive integer) No Specify a limit to the number of MPTs returned.

Response Format

    "mpt_issuance_id": "000004C463C52827307480341125DA0577DEFC38405B0E3E",
    "ledger_index": 2,
    "mptokens": [{
        "account": "rEiNkzogdHEzUxPfsri5XSMqtXUixf2Yx",
        "flags": 0,
        "mpt_amount": "20",
        "locked_amount": "1",
        "mptoken_index": "36D91DEE5EFE4A93119A8B84C944A528F2B444329F3846E49FE921040DE17E65"
        "account": "rrnAZCqMahreZrKMcZU3t2DZ6yUndT4ubN",
        "flags": 0,
        "mpt_amount": "1",
        "mptoken_index": "D137F2E5A5767A06CB7A8F060ADE442A30CFF95028E1AF4B8767E3A56877205A"
    "validated": true

Response Fields

The response follows the standard format, with the result containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
mpt_issuance_id string The MPTokenIssuance queried
mptokens array An array of mptokens. Includes all relevant fields in the underlying MPToken object.
marker string Used to continue querying where we left off when paginating. Omitted if there are no more entries after this result.
limit number The limit, as specfied in the request
ledger_index number The index of the ledger used.

An mptoken object has the following parameters:

Field Type Description
account string The account address of the holder who owns the MPToken.
flags number The flags assigned to theMPToken object.
mpt_amount string Hex-encoded amount of the holder's balance.
locked_amount string Hex-encoded amount of the locked balance. (Can be omitted if the value is 0.)
mptoken_index string Key of the MPToken object.

Synthetic mptissuanceid field

MPTokenIssuanceID is an identifier that allows you to specify an MPTokenIssuance in RPCs. The server adds a synthetically parsed mpt_issuance_id field to API responses to avoid the need for client-side parsing of the MPTokenIssuanceID.

Transaction Metadata

An mpt_issuance_id field is provided in JSON transaction metadata (not available for binary) for all successful MPTokenIssuanceCreate transactions. The following APIs are impacted: tx, account_tx, subscribe and ledger.


Example of a tx response:

   "result": {
      "Account": "rBT9cUqK6UvpvZhPFNQ2qpUTin8rDokBeL",
      "AssetScale": 2,
      "Fee": "10",
      "Flags": 64,
      "Sequence": 303,
      "SigningPubKey": "ED39955DEA2D083C6CBE459951A0A84DB337925389ACA057645EE6E6BA99D4B2AE",
      "TransactionType": "MPTokenIssuanceCreate",
      "TxnSignature": "80D7B7409980BE9854F7217BB8E836C8A2A191E766F24B5EF2EA7609E1420AABE6A1FDB3038468679081A45563B4D0B49C08F4F70F64E41B578F288A208E4206",
      "ctid": "C000013100000000",
      "date": 760643692,
      "hash": "E563D7942E3E4A79AD73EC12E9E4C44B7C9950DF7BF5FDB75FAD0F5CE0554DB3",
      "inLedger": 305,
      "ledger_index": 305,
      "meta": {
         "AffectedNodes": [...],
         "TransactionIndex": 0,
         "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS",
         "mpt_issuance_id": "0000012F72A341F09A988CDAEA4FF5BE31F25B402C550ABE"
      "status": "success",
      "validated": true

An mpt_issuance_id field is provided in JSON MPTokenIssuance objects (not available for binary). The following APIs are impacted: ledger_data and account_objects.


Example of an account_objects response:

   "result": {
      "account": "rBT9cUqK6UvpvZhPFNQ2qpUTin8rDokBeL",
      "account_objects": [
      "AssetScale": 2,
            "Flags": 64,
            "Issuer": "rBT9cUqK6UvpvZhPFNQ2qpUTin8rDokBeL",
            "LedgerEntryType": "MPTokenIssuance",
            "OutstandingAmount": "5a",
            "OwnerNode": "0",
            "PreviousTxnID": "BDC5ECA6B115C74BF4DA83E36325A2F55DF9E2C968A5CC15EB4D009D87D5C7CA",
            "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 308,
            "Sequence": 303,
            "index": "75EC6F2939ED6C5798A5F369A0221BC4F6DDC50F8614ECF72E3B976351057A63",
            "mpt_issuance_id": "0000012F72A341F09A988CDAEA4FF5BE31F25B402C550ABE"
      "ledger_current_index": 309,
      "status": "success",
      "validated": false