


Price Oracle functionality is part of the proposed XLS-47d extension to the XRP Ledger protocol. You can use these functions on test networks for now. Until there is an amendment in a stable release, the details documented on these pages are subject to change.

The get_aggregate_price method retrieves the aggregate price of specified Oracle objects, returning three price statistics: mean, median, and trimmed mean.

Request Format

An example of the request format:

  "method": "get_aggregate_price",
  "params": [
      "ledger_index": "current",
      "base_asset": "XRP",
      "quote_asset": "USD",
      "trim": 20,
      "oracles": [
          "account": "rp047ow9WcPmnNpVHMQV5A4BF6vaL9Abm6",
          "oracle_document_id": 34
          "account": "rp147ow9WcPmnNpVHMQV5A4BF6vaL9Abm7",
          "oracle_document_id": 56
          "account": "rp247ow9WcPmnNpVHMQV5A4BF6vaL9Abm8",
          "oracle_document_id": 2
          "account": "rp347ow9WcPmnNpVHMQV5A4BF6vaL9Abm9",
          "oracle_document_id": 7
          "account": "rp447ow9WcPmnNpVHMQV5A4BF6vaL9Abm0",
          "oracle_document_id": 109

The request contains the following parameters:

Field Type Required? Description
base_asset String Yes The currency code of the asset to be priced.
quote_asset String Yes The currency code of the asset to quote the price of the base asset.
trim Number No The percentage of outliers to trim. Valid trim range is 1-25. If included, the API returns statistics for the trimmed mean.
time_threshold Number No Defines a time range in seconds for filtering out older price data. Default value is 0, which doesn't filter any data.
oracles Array Yes The oracle identifier.
oracles.account String Yes The XRPL account that controls the Oracle object.
oracles.oracle_document_id Number Yes A unique identifier of the price oracle for the Account

Response Format

An example of the response format:

  "entire_set" : {
    "mean" : "74.75",
    "size" : 10,
    "standard_deviation" : "0.1290994448735806"
  "ledger_current_index" : 25,
  "median" : "74.75",
  "status" : "success",
  "trimmed_set" : {
    "mean" : "74.75",
    "size" : 6,
    "standard_deviation" : "0.1290994448735806"
  "validated" : false,
  "time" : 78937648
Field Type Description
entire_set Object The statistics from the collected oracle prices.
entire_set.mean String The simple mean.
entire_set.size Number The size of the data set to calculate the mean.
entire_set.standard_deviation String The standard deviation.
trimmed_set Object The trimmed statistics from the collected oracle prices. Only appears if the trim field was specified in the request.
trimmed_set.mean String The simple mean of the trimmed data.
trimmed_set.size Number The size of the data to calculate the trimmed mean.
trimmed_set.standard_deviation String The standard deviation of the trimmed data.
time Number The most recent timestamp out of all LastUpdateTime values.


  • The most recent Oracle objects are obtained for the specified oracles.
  • The most recent LastUpdateTime among all objects is chosen as the upper time threshold.
  • An Oracle object is included in the aggregation dataset if it contains the specified base_asset / quote_asset pair, has an AssetPrice field, and its LastUpdateTime is within the time range specified.
  • If an Oracle object doesn't contain an AssetPrice for the specified token pair, then up to three previous Oracle objects are examined and the most recent one that fulfills the requirements is included.