A Vault
object defines the state of a tokenized vault. It contains key details such as available assets, shares, total value, and other relevant information. You can create a Vault
object with the VaultCreate transaction.
The Vault
object is tracked in an Owner Directory owned by the Vault Owner account. Additionally, to facilitate Vault
object lookup, the object is tracked in the OwnerDirectory
of the vault's pseudo-account
(Requires the Single Asset Vault amendment )
Example Vault JSON
"LedgerEntryType": "Vault",
"LedgerIndex": "E123F4567890ABCDE123F4567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCD",
"Flags": "0",
"PreviousTxnID": "9A8765B4321CDE987654321CDE987654321CDE987654321CDE987654321CDE98",
"PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 12345678,
"Sequence": 1,
"OwnerNode": 2,
"Owner": "rEXAMPLE9AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz",
"Account": "rPseudoAcc1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"Data": "5468697320697320617262697472617279206D657461646174612061626F757420746865207661756C742E",
"Asset": {
"currency": "USD",
"issuer": "rIssuer1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
"AssetTotal": 1000000,
"AssetAvailable": 800000,
"LossUnrealized": 200000,
"AssetMaximum": 0,
"Share": {
"TokenID": "ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890",
"Issuer": "rShareIssuer1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"
"WithdrawalPolicy": "0x0001"
Vault Fields
In addition to the common ledger entry fields, Vault
entries have the following fields:
Name | JSON Type | Internal Type | Required? | Description |
LedgerEntryType | String | UInt16 | Yes | Ledger object type. The default value is 0x0081 . |
LedgerIndex | String | UInt16 | Yes | The unique identifier of the ledger object. |
Flags | String | UInt32 | Yes | Set of bit-flags for this ledger object. |
PreviousTxnID | String | Hash256 | Yes | Identifies the transaction ID that most recently modified this object. |
PreviousTxnLgrSeq | Number | UInt32 | Yes | The sequence of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object. |
Sequence | Number | UInt32 | Yes | The transaction sequence number that created the vault. |
OwnerNode | Number | UInt64 | Yes | Identifies the page where this item is referenced in the owner's directory. |
Owner | String | AccountID | Yes | The account address of the Vault Owner. |
Account | String | AccountID | Yes | The address of the vault's pseudo-account . |
Data | String | Blob | No | Arbitrary metadata about the vault. Limited to 256 bytes. |
Asset | String/Object | Issue | Yes | The asset of the vault. The vault supports XRP, Fungible Tokens, and MPTs. |
AssetTotal | Number | Number | Yes | The total value of the vault. |
AssetAvailable | Number | Number | Yes | The asset amount that is available in the vault. |
LossUnrealized | Number | Number | Yes | The potential loss amount that is not yet realized, expressed as the vault's asset. Only a protocol connected to the vault can modify this attribute. |
AssetMaximum | Number | Number | No | The maximum asset amount that can be held in the vault. If set to 0, this indicates there is no cap. |
Share | Object | MPT | Yes | The identifier of the share MPTokenIssuance object. |
WithdrawalPolicy | String | UInt8 | Yes | Indicates the withdrawal strategy used by the vault. |
Vault Flags
entries can have the followings flags:
Flag Name | Flag Value | Description |
lsfVaultPrivate | 0x00010000 | If set, indicates that the vault is private. This flag can only be set when creating the vault. |
Vault ID Format
The ID of a Vault
entry is the SHA512-Half
of the following values, concatenated in order: