


Multi-purpose Token functionality is part of the proposed XLS-33d extension to the XRP Ledger protocol. You can use these functions on test networks for now. Until there is an amendment in a stable release, the details documented on these pages are subject to change.

The MPTokenIssuanceCreate transaction creates an MPTokenIssuance object and adds it to the relevant directory node of the creator account. This transaction is the only opportunity an issuer has to specify any token fields that are defined as immutable (for example, MPT Flags).

If the transaction is successful, the newly created token is owned by the account (the creator account) that executed the transaction.

Whenever your query returns an MPTokenIssuance transaction response, there will always be an mpt_issuance_id field on the Transaction Metadata page.

Example MPTokenIssuanceCreate JSON

This example assumes that the issuer of the token is the signer of the transaction.

Example MPTokenIssuanceCreate transaction
  "TransactionType": "MPTokenIssuanceCreate",
  "Account": "rajgkBmMxmz161r8bWYH7CQAFZP5bA9oSG",
  "AssetScale": "2",
  "TransferFee": 314,
  "MaximumAmount": "50000000",
  "Flags": 83659,
  "MPTokenMetadata": "FOO",
  "Fee": 10

MPTokenIssuanceCreate Fields

{% include '_snippets/' %}

Field JSON Type [Internal Type][] Description
TransactionType object UInt16 Indicates the new transaction type MPTokenIssuanceCreate. The integer value is 25 (TODO).
AssetScale number UInt8 (Optional) An asset scale is the difference, in orders of magnitude, between a standard unit and a corresponding fractional unit. More formally, the asset scale is a non-negative integer (0, 1, 2, …) such that one standard unit equals 10^(-scale) of a corresponding fractional unit. If the fractional unit equals the standard unit, then the asset scale is 0. Note that this value is optional, and will default to 0 if not supplied.
Flags number UInt16 Specifies the flags for this transaction. See MPTokenIssuanceCreate Flags.
TransferFee number UInt16 (Optional) The value specifies the fee to charged by the issuer for secondary sales of the Token, if such sales are allowed. Valid values for this field are between 0 and 50,000 inclusive, allowing transfer rates of between 0.000% and 50.000% in increments of 0.001. The field must not be present if the tfMPTCanTransfer flag is not set. If it is, the transaction should fail and a fee should be claimed.
MaximumAmount string UInt64 (Optional) The maximum asset amount of this token that should ever be issued, as a hex-encoded string.
MPTokenMetadata string Blob Arbitrary metadata about this issuance, in hex format. The limit for this field is 1024 bytes.

MPTokenIssuanceCreate Flags

Transactions of the MPTokenIssuanceCreate type support additional values in the Flags field , as follows:

Flag Name Hex Value Decimal Value Description
tfMPTCanLock 0x0002 2 If set, indicates that the MPT can be locked both individually and globally. If not set, the MPT cannot be locked in any way.
tfMPTRequireAuth 0x0004 4 If set, indicates that individual holders must be authorized. This enables issuers to limit who can hold their assets.
tfMPTCanEscrow 0x0008 8 If set, indicates that individual holders can place their balances into an escrow.
tfMPTCanTrade 0x0010 16 If set, indicates that individual holders can trade their balances using the XRP Ledger DEX.
tfMPTCanTransfer 0x0020 32 If set, indicates that tokens can be transferred to other accounts that are not the issuer.
tfMPTCanClawback 0x0040 64 If set, indicates that the issuer can use the Clawback transaction to claw back value from individual holders.