Performs a Clawback from the vault, exchanging the shares of an account for assets.
Under the hood, the transaction performs a VaultWithdraw on behalf of the account from which assets are clawed back, converting its shares into assets and transferring the funds to the asset’s issuing account. Because of this, VaultClawback
must respect any applicable fees or penalties (e.g., unrealized loss).
Clawbacks cannot be performed on native XRP.
(Requires the Single Asset Vault amendment )
Example VaultClawback JSON
"TransactionType": "VaultClawback",
"Account": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
"Fee": "12",
"Flags": 0,
"LastLedgerSequence": 7108682,
"Sequence": 8,
"VaultID": "77D6234D074E505024D39C04C3F262997B773719AB29ACFA83119E4210328776",
"Holder": "ruazs5h1qEsqpke88pcqnaseXdm6od2xc",
"Amount" : "10000"
VaultClawback Fields
Field Name | JSON Type | Internal Type | Required? | Description |
VaultID | String | Hash256 | Yes | The unique identifier of the vault from which assets are withdrawn. |
Holder | String | AccountID | Yes | The unique identifier of the account from which to claw back the assets. |
Amount | Number | Number | No | The asset amount to claw back. When this field is set to 0, the transaction claws back all funds, up to the total shares the Holder owns. |
If the requested amount exceeds the vault’s available assets, the transaction claws back only up to the vault's AssetAvailable
balance. Otherwise, it retrieves the exact asset amount specified in the transaction.
VaultClawback Flags
There are no flags defined for VaultClawback
Error Cases
Besides errors that can occur for all transactions, VaultClawback
transactions can result in the following transaction result codes:
Error Code | Description |
tecOBJECT_NOT_FOUND | Occurs if the Vault object with the specified VaultID does not exist on the ledger. |
tecNO_PERMISSION | Occurs if the transaction attempts to claw back XRP . |
tecNO_PERMISSION | Occurs if the asset is a Fungible Token and the transaction is not submitted by the issuing account. |
tecWRONG_ASSET | Occurs if the asset in the transaction does not match the vault's asset type. |
tecINSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | Occurs if the MPToken object for the vault share of the Holder account does not exist, or if MPToken.MPTAmount is 0. |