Deposits a specified number of assets into a vault in exchange for shares.
For private vaults, the depositor must be authorized to interact with the vault’s shares and have credentials in the Permissioned Domain of the share.
Public vaults require no authorization, and anyone can deposit as long as they meet the asset type requirement and have sufficient funds.
A depositor cannot deposit assets into the vault if:
- The asset is frozen for the depositor.
- The vault is private and the depositor's credentials have expired.
Additionally, if the vault shares are frozen for the depositor, they cannot receive new shares.
If successful, the transaction moves the assets from the depositor's account to the vault's pseudo-account
, issues the corresponding vault shares, and updates the vault’s balance.
(Requires the Single Asset Vault amendment )
Example VaultDeposit JSON
"TransactionType": "VaultDeposit",
"Account": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
"Fee": "12",
"Flags": 0,
"LastLedgerSequence": 7108682,
"Sequence": 8,
"VaultID": "77D6234D074E505024D39C04C3F262997B773719AB29ACFA83119E4210328776",
"Amount" : {
"currency" : "TST",
"issuer" : "rP9jPyP5kyvFRb6ZiRghAGw5u8SGAmU4bd",
"value" : "2.5"
VaultDeposit Fields
In addition to the common fields, VaultDeposit
transactions use the following fields:
Field Name | JSON Type | Internal Type | Required? | Description |
VaultID | String | Hash256 | Yes | The unique identifier of the vault to which the asset is deposited. |
Amount | String/Object | Amount | Yes | The asset and quantity to be deposited into the vault. |
The deposited asset must match the vault’s designated asset for the transaction to succeed. Depending on the asset type, the following changes occur:
- XRP: The vault’s
balance increases, and the depositor’s balance decreases. - Fungible Token: The trust line balance between the vault's
and the asset issuer is adjusted. - MPT: The
of both the depositor and the vault'spseudo-account
is updated.
VaultDeposit Flags
There are no flags defined for VaultDeposit
Transfer Fees
A single asset vault does not apply the transfer fee to VaultDeposit
transactions. Additionally, whenever a protocol moves assets from or to a vault, the transfer fee isn't charged.
Error Cases
Besides errors that can occur for all transactions, VaultDeposit
transactions can result in the following transaction result codes:
Error Code | Description |
tecOBJECT_NOT_FOUND | Occurs if the Vault object with the provided VaultID does not exist on the ledger. |
tecWRONG_ASSET | Occurs if the asset of the vault does not match the asset being deposited. |
tecINSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | Occurs if the depositor does not have sufficient funds to make a deposit. |
tecLIMIT_EXCEEDED | Occurs if the adding the Amount to the AssetTotal exceeds the AssetMaximum value. |
tecNO_AUTH | Occurs if the lsfVaultPrivate flag is set and the account depositing does not have credentials in the Permissioned Domain of the share. |
tecFROZEN | Occurs if the asset is a Fungible Token and the lsfGlobalFreeze flag is set on the issuing account, meaning the asset is frozen. |
tecFROZEN | Occurs if the asset is a Fungible Token and the lsfHighFreeze or lsfLowFreeze flag is set on the trust line between the asset issuer and the depositor. |